Alumni Association - Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery
The Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery Alumni Association was founded in 2012 to foster a relationship between the graduates and the college. Every year, former students assemble to keep alumni records updated and current, to encourage and foster close ties between the university and the alumni themselves. Additionally, it enables the alumni to express their appreciation for their universities. Every year, at the Annual Day Celebrations, our institution acknowledges the distinguished Alumni.
The Alumni Association will work as a forum to bridge the interaction gap between students and alumni, motivated by ideas and values that will assure the uplift of both current and future alumni with assistance in creating a social, intellectual, and inspirational capital for our institute and students.

The Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery Alumni Association works to foster a long-lasting emotional and intellectual connection with the college and among Alumni. It also works to create a permanent framework for effective networking, compassion, and cooperation.
The following are the ALUMNI Association's key goals:
1. To maintain a list of all Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery Alumni and their relevant information.
2. To foster more communication between former and current students.
3. To improve, modernize, and upgrade the Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery's current facilities.
4. To plan gatherings, seminars, refresher training, presentations, etc.
5. To gradually improve Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery's reputation and standing.
6. Hold technical workshops and training sessions to bridge the knowledge gap between the industry and academia.
7. To maintain an active and sustained interest in the growth in order to contribute to improving the societal benefit.
8. To continuously communicate with various industry domains and alumni in their project development.
9. To take steps so as to enhance the practical knowledge of students and utilize the same with advanced technologies for the industry.
10. To arrange scholarships, awards and financial aids for the meritorious students currently studying in the institution.
Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery Alumni Association
Alumni 2022 Report
The Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery Alumni Association general body meeting – “Global Alumni Meet 2022” was conducted on 13/11/2022 Sunday at Govt. Polytechnic College Kalamassery
Different coordination committees were formed to arrange the programme. The energetic faculties from our college and alumni were included in the committees. Google forms were shared for the registering the programme. Total registration of 1500 were done for the programme. Social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp were used for the publicity. WhatsApp groups were formed to gather the members. A press meet was arranged at Press club Ernakulam on 08/11/2022. Total 870 peoples were participated in the programme on 13/11/2022.
The Kerala State Minister for Industries and Law Department, Sri. P. Rajeev, inaugurated the function. Smt. Geetha Devi R, Principal given the presidential address. Sri. Arun Chand, Coordinator of the programme given the introductory speech. Sri. Benny John, Convener of the programme given the welcome speech. The programme was anchored by Smt. Shyama, Lecturer Civil Engg.

The older alumni and teachers were honored by the Alumni Association. Around 22 Alumni and 12 retired teachers of the college, above 75 years of old, were honored

The felicitations were given by Mr. George Antony, DGM GAIL, Alumni, Mr. Nishad, Chairman- Health Standing Committee Kalamassery Municipality, Alumni, Mrs. Sheela, HOD Chemical Engineering, Alumni, Mr. Vivek, Ex-President Alumni Association, Mr. Mahesh Kumar, Former Standing Committee Chairman, Kochi Municipality, Alumni and Mrs. Mani, Coordination Committee, Alumni Association.

Alumni Association Executive committee was elected during the general body meeting. The office bearers will be elected during the first executive committee meeting and the first executive committee meeting will be conducted as soon. Vote of thanks was given Sri. G Sreejith, Coordination Committee,
Alumni Association. Cultural programmes were conducted by the Alumni after the meeting.
Refreshments for the morning session and lunch were arranged for the Alumni.

After the lunch, Branch-wise alumni interactions were conducted by 7 different branches at various places inside college. Alumni from various industries and entrepreneurs addressed the meetings. Alumni offered supports for the academic, placement and other activities of the branches in future.
The programme come to an end at 5.30pm and gathering assured the reunion on next years also.