Parent Teachers Association (P.T.A)

The PTA has been very active in the polytechnic college since its inception. Its aims at the promotion of the all-round development of students. To ensure better interaction between parents and teachers, branchwise and classwise PTA meetings are conducted every semester, usually soon after the series tests. Progress reports are given to the parents during the meeting. Parents can also meet the teachers and counsellors on appointment and get details about the performance of their wards.PTA aims to derive maximum benefit from the teaching- learning process and for all-round development of a student admitted to diploma course. Under PTA’s patronage and whole hearted co-operation all developments within the academic and non-academic take place.

Generous allocation of PTA funds has helped the college with better facilities. Prizes and awards are given by the PTA for meritorious students.

In a general meeting of Parents and Teachers, PTA Executive members is elected every year in the beginning of academic session. The Executive body is entrusted to plan, execute and take necessary decisions for the overall development of the students and college.

PTA Executive Board

President   - Principal
Secretary  - Hareesh Y S, Lecturer in Mechanical Engg.
Treasurer  - Mathew George

Vice President  - K H Jaleel
Joint Secretary  - KK Joy

Executive Members
1. Salimraj
2. Mohanan E P
3. Mahalekshmi
4. Jiji Simon
5. Kuriakose M A
6. Mercy Varghese
7. Sajitha S
8. Siji Babu
9. Suresh Subramaniam
10. Bindu K B
11. Francis C C

Aim and Objectives

o    To promote the welfare of students and the college.

o    To create better understandings between parents and teachers and maintain harmonious relationship between the college and the external community.

o    To work for the improvement of the college with the united efforts of parents, teachers and higher authorities.

o    To help parents and students to adopt themselves to the changing concepts of society.


All the parents and teachers shall become members automatically. The Executive committee members are elected by the annual general body.


All the funds of the association will be deposited in the bank in the name of college PTA and account is operated by the Treasurer with the consent of Principal. All the funds will be utilized for the welfare of the students and to improve college facilities.