Scholar Support

Scholar Support Programme

Scholar Support Programme is an Initiative of Director of Technical Education, Govt.of Kerala. This Programme aims at instructing personalized academic support to needy students through Tutorials, additional Lecturing, study materials and Interactive sessions.

This programme has a college level co-ordinator, internal trainers and external trainers. The monitoring includes Principal and SSP co-ordinator suggest steps for the implementation of the programme.

SSP Monitoring Committee :

(1) Principal

(2) IQAC Co-ordinator

(3) SSP Co-ordinator

(4) Supporting Staff (Lecturer for each Department)

The scholar support programme GPC Kalamassery is functioning well with internal mentors catering to the needs of the Students. GPC, Kalamassery is effectively implementing this programme in different subjects namely Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, Engineering Graphics, OOPS, TOSS, Object oriented programming in C++.

Jomol P John
( SSP Co-ordinator)